The idea for Urban Coco was born out of my love for streetwear and my desire to explore the art form of photography. As I began shooting streetwear fashion pieces I realized that there were many people who wanted to be photographers but weren't: they had no idea where to start or even how to improve their skills. So I decided to create an online platform where they could learn how to take better pictures and gain access to workshops that would give them real-world experience in front of the camera.
A year sooner, I was stuck behind a light post. Not a fundamental spot to be in for picture taking! So this year, we displayed before the standard time, got a calm momentous the coastline and sat back to watch the show.
Lavern Washington Photography
Happy days :-) So privileged to have been asked to contribute images to this months Urban Coco Magazine and the final results i'm sure you agree look fabulous. Keep an eye out for shots from the upcoming Leeds Fashion Show 2013 which we hope to be covering. The LFS 2012 was an fantastic night and i'm sure LFS 2013 will be even more spectacular.